Copyright (C) Stingers Exotics All Rights Reserved
Stingers Exotics
Reptiles & Reptile Supplies
18774 Middlebelt Rd.
Livonia, MI  48152
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We believe that variety in diet, a clean environment and the proper set up is the key to a healthy reptile. That's why at Stingers Exotics we offer a wide variety of feeders, cleaning supplies and equipment.
Stingers Insect Menu:
We offer four different sizes of crickets in stock... gut loaded, kept in clean environments and ready to feed to your reptile. We go to extreme measures to offer a variety of high calcium cricket diets to make sure your reptiles, as well as ours, are offered only the highest quality insects. Don't feed your reptile a starved cricket... not only will they eat more because you are offering a starved skeleton but they don't have the gut content needed to supply your reptile with proper nutrition.    

Butter Worms give your reptiles a high calcium treat!   Calcium nutritional value 42.9 mg/100g compared to a cricket at 14
Wax worms, meal worms, giant meal worms and super worms are brought in twice weekly to ensure your worms are in top quality. Our worms are fed so they are not starving in the container.   Packed fresh every morning.  (Seasonal availability on some worms)
Goliath horn worms now available ... fresh delivery every Saturday. 

Flightless fruit flies are prepared with a high quality food to enhance color and nutrition of your pet. Offered in two varieties d. melonogaster and a wingless variety. (These are used for small frogs, lizards, tarantulas and praying mantids)

Calci Worm aka Phoenix Worms the latest and greatest of all feeder insects 1 size available.  How about a feeder insect that is 8155 ppm calcium! That's incredible!   (Seasonal availability) 
The difference in feeders...  Feeder mice & rats Menu:
We definitely support feeding frozen rodents to your reptiles... the benefits of frozen clearly out weigh feeding live. Easy to store, convenience, safe, pest free and many more! We offer all sizes of frozen mice, such as pinkies, fuzzies, hoppers, small mice and adult mice. Frozen rats are available in small, medium, large and colossal.  We also have frozen chicks and quail for variety in diet.

Live mice and rats are also available. Our live mice and rats are fed a top quality vita seed mixture, fresh fruits, greens and veggies to assure your reptile is getting a complete and nutritious meal. Rodents are delivered fresh weekly, clean and well fed.
We go the extra mile so you don't have too...
gut loading, clean & variety
best prices in town!
You can find all your feeding needs ... dry diets, moist diets, live insects... and much much more!
Did you say...WORMS?

We offer night crawlers and red wigglers too.
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Reptile Spa
We offer premium feeder insects.. Vita Bugs visit our store for more info.. a different Vita Bug available each week!